Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Kaibutsu changes

I've been gone on vacation for two weeks, and I got some time to sketch (something I really need to do more often, I'm starting to get rusty) Anyway I ended up coming up with a lot more new ideas for "Kaibutsu," which I'll post once I get some finished artwork. I'm redesigning Luctandor (now named Fulgurah), giving him a sidekick, scrapping Arunah for a much cooler monster, and tweaking Fragorsidus's origin and design. I actually really like where it's headed now. All the parts are starting to balance. I still don't have a design for the aliens, though, but I was thinking of giving them mecha based off of pillbugs that roll around like Anguiras and shoot lasers out of their antennae. On the one hand I still think it needs more kaiju, but on the other I feel that it's enough characters for a good narrative flow.

I think the plot most resembles the movie "Ghidorah the Three Headed Monster" since it's all about a threat from the cosmos that unites the kaiju against it, but then again that's like a lot of Godzilla movies.

Who knows when it will all be finished, though. It's almost fall so that means job searching time. Which means job. Which means less time on my hands.

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